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What does School work experience have to do with fitness?


So if you don’t know, I have various roles (very similar to you I’m sure) and one of them is being ‘mission control’ for an Angel Investor.

Well, every year we have a work experience program for 15-17year olds who are interested in the STEM subjects and last week we ran our 2nd virtual placement.

The students always start off so nervous not knowing what to expect but by Friday their confidence has massively improved and their whole energy is different.

We had some amazing guest speakers who graciously gave their time to talk to the students about their career journey and life experiences.

Why am I telling you this you ask?

Well, it’s because there were three core principals I took away (and hopefully so did the students) from last week.


What stood out for me and based on the students presentations that they shared at the end, was it’s all about the journey and not the destination.

Whilst we do need to have a goal (and vision) we mustn’t fixate on this and embrace the here and now. Many things change that are outside of our control and these can literally de-rail us or alter our path.(Covid is a prime example of this!)

So it's important to be agile, open to change and be able to ‘pivot’.

How does this relate to fitness and nutrition ? Well, you will hit roadblocks, obstacles, hurdles here too; birthdays, social dinners, injury and just being busy…so it’s important to deal with these, not give in and remember why you started.


It’s all about your mindset. This was enforced by ALL the speakers. You have to foster a ‘growth’ not ‘fixed’ mindset and be prepared to fail! This is valuable feedback to help you learn, grow and change.

You need to back yourself first and foremost (don’t expect others to) and push yourself out of your comfort zone! (This is where the magic happens!)

‘Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you’re right’ Henry Ford

You can achieve anything and remember you have the same 24 hrs as the people who inspire you. So be confident with your own time and truly value it by managing the tasks not time!


You never stop learning! Whilst I wouldn’t want to be in my teens again, I’m almost envious of the students who have been so proactive in taking this opportunity! As it has not only taught them so much, but has shown them that it’s all about people - good teams, companies and good connections.

I have taken some great learnings from the week - the energy and inquisitiveness from the students. (We did say to KEEP asking questions!) This has reinforced one of my values of being curious. We must never stop asking questions to others and of ourselves.

I really enjoyed the week and realised that teaching is a passion of mine. Taking the students through week, supporting them and seeing them grow has been such a pleasure.

This is the same feeling I get from every client who invests in me. By supporting them on their journey, helping them with knowledge, tips and tricks on how to cultivate that resilient mindset and the reciprocal nature of both teaching and learning from each other to help them achieve their fitness goals.

There’s a saying ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear!’

I’m definitely finding this as I continue to learn and grow, which enables me to support my clients even further with their mindset and on their own unique and special journey.

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