My Nan always said you never stop learning and undoubtedly reading books will help grow your knowledge.
Whilst I have always read, it hasn't always been consistent and contained more fictitious books. However, reading has become a main stay in my life now as a hobby but also as a means to advance my personal development.
I consume content via a variety of means from the good old fashioned hard and paperback books to listening via Audible and Podcasts. Check out my blog on the top ten Podcasts I'm currently listening to.
I have also launched my own podcast The Planted Mindset Podcast to share my journey (being plant-based), provide you with tips, knowledge and more about the mindset, fitness and nutrition. Plus bringing on guests to also share their own personal journey and story.
So here's my reading list that I will continually update. As I aim to absorb information from at least two books a month, one via Audible and one conventional book.
Currently Reading
Sleep Smarter - Shawn Stevenson, Sara Gottfried
Good Vibes, Good Life - Vex King
You are Beautiful - Philip Bryden
Eat Well, Live Well with The Sensitive Foodie - Karen Lee
The Common Path to Uncommon Success - John Lee Dumas
Books I have Read
Always ON - Rory Cellan-Jones
Why Calories don't Count - Dr Giles Yeo
Undo It! - Dean and Anne Ornish
GUT - The inside story of our body's most underrated organ - Giula Enders
The Untethered Soul - Michael J.Singer
What to Say when you talk to Yourself - Shad Helmstetter
Becoming Supernatural - Dr Joe Dispenza
Start with Why - Simon Sinek
The Surrender Experiment - Michael J.Singer
Leading from the back - Julie Creffield
Abundance Now - Lisa Nichols
Menopause Matters - Shelley Chapman
How not to die - Dr Michael Greger
The Plant-Based Power Plan - TJ Waterfall
You are a Rainbow: Essential Auras - Emma Lucy Knowles
The China Study - T.Colin Campbell & Thomas M. Campbell
It's not what you think - Chris Evans
The Daily Stoic - Ryan Holiday
Psycho-Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
When the body says no - Gabor Mate
The subtle art of not giving a f*ck - Mark Manson
Fiber Fuelled - Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI
The Source - Dr Tara Swart
The World's Fittest Book - Ross Edgley
The Way of the Wolf - Jordan Belfort
Take Control of your life - Mel Robbins
Relentless - Tim Grover
Mastering Diabeties - Cyrus Khambatta, PHD & Robby Barbaro, MPH
The brain that changes itself - Norman Doidge
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
Building a StoryBrand - Donald Miller
The Closer's Survival Guide - Grant Cardone
Eat yourself Healthy - Dr Megan Rossi
Think and Grow Vegan - Greg John Jones
Sell or be sold Grant Cardone
Rewire your mindset - Brian Keane
The Mom Test - Rob Fitzpatrick
The Power of Now - Elkhart Tolle
You2 - Price Pritchett
Unstoppable - Craig Ballantyne
‘Twas the nightshift before Christmas - Adam Kay
Mindset - Carol Dweck
The Diet Myth - Tim Spector
Chasing Cupcakes - Elizabeth Benton
What I know for sure - Oprah Winfrey
Total Recall - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sleep - Nick Littlehales
Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson
Shoe Dog - Phil Knight
Eat and run - Scott Jurek
Can’t hurt me - Dave Goggins
The richest man in Babylon - George S. Clason
Becoming - Michelle Obama
Everything is f*cked - Mark Manson
The clever guts diet - Michael Mosley
Leaner, Stronger, faster - Brian Keane
The 4 Pillar Plan - Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Awaken the giant within - Anthony Robbins
Ignite the fire - Jonathan Goodman
This is going to hurt - Adam Kay
The Fitness Mindset - Brian Keane
The Obesity Code - Jason Fung
Wayne Dyer’s Ultimate library
Day De Jing
Rising Strong - Brene Brown
The 5 Second Rule - Mel Robbins
Breaking the habit of being yourself - Dr Joe Dispenza
Man’s Search for meaning - Viktor E. Frankl
As a man thinkers - James Allen
The Happiness Advantage - Shawn Achor
Why Buddhism is true - Robert Wright
Chasing Excellence - Ben Bergeron
Drive - Daniel H. Pink
Why we sleep - Matthew Walker
How to be your inner self - Ellen Hendriksen
80/20 Running - Matt Fitzgerald
The Marathon and half marathon - Graeme Hilditch
The 10X Rule - Grant Cardone
The Telomere Effect - Elizabeth Blackburn & Elissa Epel
The Honeymoon Effect - Bruce H.Lipton
You are the placebo - Dr Joe Dispenza
The biology of belief - Bruce H. Lipton
Cryptocurrencies explained - Dr Julian Hosp
Rich Dad, poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond
Keep it Vegan - Aine Carlin
What to do when machines do everything - Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig
Surviving AI: The promise and peril - Callum Chace
The 7 Habits of highly effective People - Stephen R. Covey
Live better and live longer - Michel Cymes
The 4-hour work week - Tim Ferriss
The 4-hour body - Tim Ferriss
Pre 2017
The Chimp Paradox - Steve Peters
The Alcheimist - Paulo Coelho
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
Bad Blood - John Carreyrou
Dale Carnegie : How to win friends and influence people
Touching Distance - James Cracknell
Zero to One - Peter Thiel
Elon Musk
Recovery: Russell Brand
Unf*ck yourself - Gary John Bishop
The power of habit - Charles Duhigg
Atomic habits - James Clear
I can’t remember anymore, but was reading before this date....just hadn’t recorded them!
In the pile to read
Copywriting Secrets - Jim Edwards
Depression and anxiety the drug free way - Mark Greener
Little black stretchy pants - Chip Wilson
This book could save your life - Graham Lawton
Whole - T.Colin Campbell
How to read a book - Mortimer J.Adler
The Mind-Gut Connection - Emerson Mayer
Iron Cowboy - Redefine Impossible - James Lawrence
The People Vs Tech - Jamie Bartlett
The End of Money - New Scientist Instant Expert
Why of Everything - Eddie Tjon Fo
Becoming Supernatural - Dr Joe Dispenza
Spontaneous Evolution - Bruce H. Lipton
Exponential - Azeem Azhar
To purchase and read
Happy: Why more or less everything is absolutely fine - Derren Brown
Switch: How to change things when change is hard - Dan Heath
Disease Proof - David Katz
You do you - Sarah Knight
Excellence wins - Horst Schulze
How to be an imperfectionist - Stephen Guise
The Starbucks Experience - Joseph Michelli
The Life: Michael Jordan
Clean gut - Alejandro Junger
You be You - Drew Canole
Your Erroneous Zones - Wayne Dyer
I contain Multitudes - Ed Yong
DotCom Secrets - Russell Brunson
The Success Principles - Jack Canfield
Crushing it - Gay Vaynerchuk
The Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide - Phil Graham
The Four Agreements - Practical Guide to Personal Freedom - Don Miguel Ruiz
The Oxygen Advantage - Patrick McKeown
Essentialism - Greg McKeown
Obviously Awesone - April Dunford
Never split the difference - Chris Voss
Positioning - Al Ries
How to wear a crown - Rachel D Greenwell
The Will power instinct - Kelly McGonigal
Getting everything you can out of all you've got - Jay Abraham
The power of positive thinking - Norman Vincent Peale
The miracle morning - Hal Elrod
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom - Rick Hanson
Seven and a half lessons about the brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
The Fear Bubble : How to harness fear and live without limits - Ant Middleton
As there is an infinite amount of books that are written and published, please share your top 3 all time favourites and I will add them to my list (if I haven't already read them!).
Happy Reading :)